Global Photography Awards Categories

International Photography

IP2401 Australia Photography

IP2402 Austria Photography

IP2403 Belgium Photography

IP2404 Brazil Photography

IP2405 Bulgaria Photography

IP2406 Canada Photography

IP2407 Chile Photography

IP2408 China Photography

IP2409 Croatia Photography

IP2410 Czech Republic Photography

IP2411 Denmark Photography

IP2412 Egypt Photography

IP2413 England Photography

IP2414 Finland Photography

IP2415 France Photography

IP2416 Georgia Photography

IP2417 Germany Photography

IP2418 Greece Photography

IP2419 Hungary Photography

IP2420 Iceland Photography

IP2421 India Photography

IP2422 Indonesia Photography

IP2423 Ireland Photography

IP2424 Italy Photography

IP2425 Japan Photography

IP2426 Jordan Photography

IP2427 Kenya Photography

IP2428 Laos Photography

IP2429 Luxembourg Photography

IP2430 Malaysia Photography

IP2431 Maldives Photography

IP2432 Malta Photography

IP2433 Mauritius Photography

IP2434 Mexico Photography

IP2435 Morocco Photography

IP2436 Myanmar Photography

IP2437 Namibia Photography

IP2438 Netherland Photography

IP2439 New Zealand photography

IP2440 Norway Photography

IP2441 Oman Photrography

IP2442 Panama Photography

IP2443 Peru Photography

IP2444 Philippines Photography

IP2445 Poland Photography

IP2446 Portugal Photography

IP2447 Qatar Photography

IP2448 Russia Photography

IP2449 Saudi Arabia Photography

IP2450 Scotland Photography

IP2451 Singapore Photography

IP2452 South Korea Photography

IP2453 Spain Photography

IP2454 Sri Lanka Photography

IP2455 Sweden Photography

IP2456 Switzerland Photography

IP2457 Thailand Photography

IP2458 Turkey Photography

IP2459 UAE Photography

IP2460 United Kingdom Photography

IP2461 United States Photography

IP2462 Vietnam Photography

IP2400 International Photography / Others

Fashion Photography

FP2401 Advertising

FP2402 Avant-Garde

FP2403 Beauty

FP2404 Campaign

FP2405 Celebrity

FP2406 Commercial

FP2407 Conceptual

FP2408 Cultural Fashion

FP2409 Documentary

FP2410 Editorial

FP2411 Event

FP2412 High Fashion

FP2413 Portraiture

FP2414 Product

FP2415 Runway

FP2416 Street Style

FP2417 Sustainable

FP2418 Vintage

FP2400 Fashion Photography / Others

Minimalist Photography

MP2401 Abstracts

MP2402 Aerial Vistas

MP2403 Aquatic Worlds

MP2404 Architecture

MP2405 Atmospheric Conditions

MP2406 Black and White

MP2407 Candid Captures

MP2408 Celebrations and Festivities

MP2409 Color Compositions

MP2410 Conceptual Art

MP2411 Culinary Delights

MP2412 Cultural Expressions

MP2413 Documentary Narratives

MP2414 Fashion and Style

MP2415 Fine Art

MP2416 High-Key Imagery

MP2417 Historical Themes

MP2418 Human Emotions

MP2419 Industrial Landscapes

MP2420 Landscapes

MP2421 Long Exposures

MP2422 Low-Key Art

MP2423 Macro Shots

MP2424 Minimalist Artistry

MP2425 Monochromatic Works

MP2426 Motion and Movement

MP2427 Nature and Wildlife

MP2428 Nighttime Scenes

MP2429 People

MP2430 Portraits

MP2431 Reflective Moments

MP2432 Silhouetted Moments

MP2433 Still Life

MP2434 Street Scenes

MP2435 Symmetry and Patterns

MP2436 Textured Surfaces

MP2437 Travel Adventures

MP2438 Urban Environments

MP2439 Urban Skylines

MP2440 Wildlife

MP2400 Minimalist Photography / Others

Editorial Photography

ED2401 Candid

ED2402 Celebrity

ED2403 Contemporary Issues

ED2404 Culture

ED2405 Documentary

ED2406 Entertaiment

ED2407 Environmental

ED2408 Feature Story

ED2409 Forced Perspective

ED2410 General News

ED2411 Kinetic

ED2412 Lifestyle

ED2413 News

ED2414 Personality

ED2415 Photojournalism

ED2416 Political

ED2417 Real Estate

ED2418 Religious

ED2419 Scientific

ED2420 Seascape

ED2421 Sports

ED2422 Still Life

ED2423 Street

ED2424 Travel

ED2425 War/Conflict

ED2400 Editorial Photography / Others

People Photography

PE2401 Boudoir

PE2402 Business

PE2403 Candid, Glamour & Boudoir

PE2404 Celebrities

PE2405 Children

PE2406 Conceptual

PE2407 Couple

PE2408 Culture

PE2409 Drone

PE2410 Emotion

PE2411 Environmental

PE2412 Family

PE2413 Fine Art

PE2414 Fish Eye

PE2415 Forced Perspective

PE2416 Group

PE2417 Key Opinion Leader (KOLs)

PE2418 Lifestyle

PE2419 Newborn

PE2420 Nudes

PE2421 Panaroma

PE2422 Personality

PE2423 Portrait

PE2424 Religious

PE2425 Self-portrait

PE2426 Silhouettes

PE2427 Sports

PE2428 Street

PE2429 Surreal

PE2430 Wedding

PE2431 360 Degree

PE2400 People Photography / Others

Black & White Photography

BW2401 360 Degree

BW2402 Abstract

BW2403 Adventure

BW2404 Architecture

BW2405 Atmospheric

BW2406 Boudoir

BW2407 Candid

BW2408 Children

BW2409 Cityscape

BW2410 Conceptual

BW2411 Dramatic

BW2412 Drone

BW2413 Fashion

BW2414 Fine Art

BW2415 Fish Eye

BW2416 Forced Perspective

BW2417 Historical

BW2418 Human Form

BW2419 Landscapes

BW2420 Lifestyle

BW2421 Macro

BW2422 Nature

BW2423 Newborn

BW2424 Nudes

BW2425 Panorama

BW2426 People

BW2427 Pets

BW2428 Photojournalism

BW2429 Portrait

BW2430 Religious

BW2431 Retro

BW2432 Seascape

BW2433 Sports

BW2434 Still Life

BW2435 Street

BW2436 Surreal

BW2437 Symbolic

BW2438 Symetrical

BW2439 Travel

BW2440 Urban

BW2441 Vintage

BW2442 Wedding

BW2443 Wildlife

BW2400 Black & White Photography / Others

Nature Photography

NA2401 360 Degree

NA2402 Adventure

NA2403 Aerial/Drone

NA2404 Aquatic/ Underwater

NA2405 Astrophotography

NA2406 Atmospheric Phenomena

NA2407 Canyon

NA2408 Cityscape

NA2409 Comedy Wildlife

NA2410 Crystal Ball

NA2411 Desert

NA2412 Drone

NA2413 Fish Eye

NA2414 Forced Perspective

NA2415 Forest

NA2416 Golden Hour

NA2417 Ice and Glacier

NA2418 Kinetic

NA2419 Landscapes

NA2420 Macro

NA2421 Milky Way

NA2422 Mountain

NA2423 Natural Art

NA2424 Panaroma

NA2425 Plants and Flower

NA2426 River and Stream

NA2427 Seascape

NA2428 Seasons

NA2429 Silhouettes

NA2430 Still Life

NA2431 Sunrise/ Sunset

NA2432 Time-Lapse

NA2433 Trees

NA2434 Waterfall

NA2435 Weather

NA2436 Wildlife

NA2400 Nature Photography / Others

Commercial Photography

CM2401 Accessories

CM2402 Advertising

CM2403 Automative & Transport

CM2404 Beauty & Cosmetics

CM2405 Book & Publication

CM2406 Brands Campaign

CM2407 Conceptual

CM2408 Corporate & Business

CM2409 e-Commerce

CM2410 Education

CM2411 Environmental

CM2412 Fashion

CM2413 Food & Beverage

CM2414 Forced Perspective

CM2415 Furniture

CM2416 Health & Fitness

CM2417 Home Shopping

CM2418 Jewelleries

CM2419 Lifestyle

CM2420 Luxury

CM2421 Musical Instrument

CM2422 Perfume

CM2423 Personal Branding

CM2424 Plastic Free

CM2425 Product

CM2426 Sports / Action

CM2427 Still Life

CM2428 Sustainable Design

CM2429 Travel / Tourism

CM2430 Wine

CM2400 Commercial Photography / Others

Fine Art Photography

FA2401 Abstract

FA2402 Architecture

FA2403 Beauty

FA2404 Boudoir

FA2405 Cityscape

FA2406 Events

FA2407 Fashion

FA2408 Forced Perspective

FA2409 Golden Hour

FA2410 Kinetic

FA2411 Landscape

FA2412 Lifestyle

FA2413 Minimalism 

FA2414 Nature

FA2415 Newborn

FA2416 Night

FA2417 Nudes

FA2418 Open Theme

FA2419 Panorama

FA2420 People

FA2421 Pets

FA2422 Photojournalism

FA2423 Photomanipulation

FA2424 Portrait

FA2425 Religious

FA2426 Seascape

FA2427 Silhouettes

FA2428 Sports

FA2429 Still Life

FA2430 Street

FA2431 Travel

FA2432 Wedding

FA2433 Wildlife

FA2434 Conceptual

FA2435 Surreal

FA2436 Comtemporary

FA2437 Mix Media

FA2438 Textured

FA2400 Fine Art Photography / Others

Architecture Photography

AR2401 360 Degree

AR2402 Abstract

AR2403 Bridges

AR2404 Building

AR2405 Cityscapes

AR2406 Comtemporary

AR2407 Conceptual

AR2408 Crystal Ball

AR2409 Detail

AR2410 Drone

AR2411 Exterior

AR2412 Fish Eye

AR2413 Heritage

AR2414 Historic

AR2415 Industrial

AR2416 Interior

AR2417 Landscape

AR2418 Light and Shadow

AR2419 Line and Shapes

AR2420 Night

AR2421 Panaroma

AR2422 Real Estate

AR2423 Reflections

AR2424 Religious

AR2425 Rural

AR2426 Shelter

AR2427 Sustainable

AR2428 Symmetry

AR2429 Urban Exploration

AR2400 Architecture Photography / Others

Special Category

SP2401 AI-Generated Photography

SP2402 Comedy Photography

SP2403 Pandemic Related Photography

SP2404 CSR Photography

SP2405 Digital Enhance Photography

SP2406 Event Photography

SP2407 Experimental Photography

SP2408 Film Photography

SP2409 Long Exposure Photography

SP2411 Mobile Photography

SP2412 Night Photography

SP2413 Panoramic Photography

SP2414 Smartphone Photography

SP2415 Travel Photography

SP2400 Special Category / Others

Supporting Categories

SC2401 Book Publisher

SC2402 Photo Editor

SC2403 Photography Content

SC2404 Photo Museum Exhibition 

SC2405 Photo Gallery Exhibition

SC2406 Photo Curator

SC2407 Photo Festival

SC2408 Photo Program

SC2409 Photo Museum Exhibition

SC2410 Print Lab

SC2411 Production Company

SC2412 Digital Tech

SC2413 Photo Educator

SC2414 Photo Program

SC2415 Photo Festival of Fair 

SC2400 Support Categories / Others