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Men Don't Cry is a personal project aimed at exploring the inner emotional world of men and debunk few stereotypes.There is often talk about the stress and pressures society imposes on women to appear and behave in a certain way but there is rarely a similar talk regarding men.And yet, men are subjected to and suffer from very similar pressures and much more. The old stereotype of masculinity puts younger individuals under so much pressure as to suppress their emotions in order to comply with what is considered the norm. Science has proven that men cry " less " than women because of reasons linked to both nature and nurture. Men have significantly lower levels of Prolactin ( a hormone found in emotional tears ) compared to women. Psychological reason is hormone related but there's an obvious cultural reason too. Social stereotypes and expectations discourage men from displaying emotional tears.
Photographer / Company
Edmond Terakopian
Commercial Photography - Product
Country / Region
United Kingdom
Photographer / Company
Jennifer Dixon
Nature Photography - Wildlife
Country / Region
United States
Photographer / Company
Jan-Tore Oevrevik
Architecture Photography - Cityscapes
Country / Region
United States
Photographer / Company
Helena García Huertas
Special Category - Smartphone Photography
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