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ndifferent to an army enraged by the invasion of its territory already conquered and taken for granted, this man disputes scraps of food with the flies. It could be an apocalyptic scenery in which only insects and a few fortunate human beings would have survived, postponing every day their end to some future. But no. On the other side of the plain, cautiously far away from the pestilence of the toxic fumes rising from the burning garbage, there are people like him who live supposedly normal lives and who do not suspect that this kingdom of flies exists.Nudity, just as innocent and natural as the water they dive into, is one of the expressions of that freedom and communion, bringing additional beauty to these moments of pure fun.
Photographer / Company
Aga Karmol
Black & White Photography - Pets
Country / Region
United Kingdom
Photographer / Company
Craig Bill
Nature Photography - Astrophotography
Country / Region
United States
Photographer / Company
Craig Bill
Nature Photography - Sunrise/ Sunset
Country / Region
United States