Submission Group
Country / Region:
I am visually impaired due to glaucoma, and I have almost completely lost vision in my left eye. My right eye is also affected, with approximately 30% of my field of vision lost. I experience symptoms such as a confusion of depth perception and hallucinations, which cause distant objects to appear close and nonexistent objects to appear real. I am also sensitive to light, and the colors I see change depending on light sources such as sunlight, car headlights, and shop window lights. The Tokyo I see is different from that seen by those with normal vision. I have expressed these everyday scenes using multiple exposure photography.
Photographer / Company
Martyn Norsworthy
People Photography - Wedding
Country / Region
United Kingdom
Photographer / Company
Chris Pegman
Nature Photography - Wildlife
Country / Region
New Zealand
Photographer / Company
Kylo-Patrick Hart
Minimalist Photography - Black and White
Country / Region
United States
Photographer / Company
Yong Wang
Black & White Photography - Historical
Country / Region
United States